– Your partner for litigation funding –
Who we are
AURIGON LRC (Litigation Risk Consulting) is at home in two worlds: dispute funding and insurance. We set up the first European litigation fund dedicated to Latin America many years ago and operate as consultants in the re/insurance sector since over a decade.
Both worlds are increasingly overlapping with insurers offering ever more litigation risk transfer products and funders recurring to insurance in order to hedge their risks. Complexity is increasing for what is already a complex product.
Our sweet spots are disputes in or out of Latin America as well as re/insurance worldwide.
Meet the team
What we do
Litigation & Arbitration Funding
Obtaining funding is all but easy. Over 90% of cases are turned down, the process – supposedly straight forward – can be long and frustrating. Expectations on clients´ side are usually high, success ratio the opposite.
The spectrum of companies willing to fund your litigation or arbitration is extremely broad, each one with its own appetite, specialisation, preference for cases or jurisdictions, expectations on return or duration of your dispute.
Knowing markets and processes is key.
AURIGON can test the feasibility of your case, assist with presentations and find the right funding partner.
A streamlined process professionally conducted increases funding prospects, saves time and money.
Contact us for advisory for any stage of the process or the entire placement activity: +41 792 789 567
Litigation Risk Insurance
This is a market on its own. Growing fast and it has just started. The products depending on jurisdiction range from so-called ATE (After The Event) insurance, Judgement Preservation, Capital Protection to Award Default covers. Different premium models add complexity.
Whereas a specific case may not suit for funding a litigation insurance product could be an option
A combination of both – funding and insurance – can also be considered under certain conditions.
Contact us if you would like to learn more: +41 792 789 567
“En general, los financiadores tienden a respaldar casos en áreas en las que ven cierto nivel de previsibilidad con respecto a la ley aplicable, y en las que la demanda está respaldada por pruebas sólidas”.
¿Qué es el financiamiento por terceros o third party funding para un litigio o arbitraje? En pocas palabras, el third party funding es un producto financiero en el que una entidad ajena a un litigio o arbitraje, el financiador, se compromete a pagar parcial o totalmente los gastos y honorarios legales a cambio de una remuneración que depende del resultado del litigio.
Normalmente, la parte financiada sólo debe pagar al financiador si el caso prospera. En tal caso, la compensación del financiador suele calcularse como un múltiplo de su inversión, y a veces como un porcentaje de los ingresos recibidos, o una combinación de ambos. Junto con facilitar acceso a la justicia, el third party funding ofrece una interesante herramienta de financiación y de transferencia de riesgos para las empresas, permitiéndoles asignar mejor los recursos a sus actividades principales en lugar de gastos y provisiones legales.
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Análisis de su naturaleza jurídica.
Kristoffer Verbeken Manríquez y Pedro M Lorenti
Para hacer frente a los costos de litigación, se ha abierto en Latinoamérica la posibilidad de financiar litigios mediante el apoyo económico obtenido de terceras personas, oncretamente, de fondos o empresas que, luego de un análisis del riesgo envuelto en cada litigio, acuerdan con el litigante -generalmente el demandanteel financiamiento de los costos asociados al juicio.
Esta convención es ciertamente nueva en esta región. Más aún, el Financiamiento de Litigios por Terceras Personas no tiene larga data en otros países que comparten el sistema
de derecho escrito, como Europa continental, salvo algunas excepciones como Alemania y Suiza. Solamente en aquellas legislaciones basadas en el common law, el financiamiento de litigios a través de terceros, o “third-party litigation funding”, lleva varias décadas de desarrollo.
Mediante este artículo pretendemos ilustrar los aspectos más relevantes del Financiamiento de Litigios por Terceras Personas en Latinoamérica, principalmente en lo relacionado a su naturaleza jurídica y financiera, sus diferencias respecto a otros contratos similares, y sus ventajas en relación con otras formas de financiamiento. Nos abocaremos, asimismo, a analizar y contraargumentar las críticas que el Financiamiento de Litigios por Terceras Personas ha tenido.
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The Process and its Pitfalls
Funding Landscape in Latin America
A lot is different in Latin America, compared to the Anglo-American world. This is also the case as regards litigation or arbitration funding. The language to start with, civil law v common law, duration of court proceedings, popularity of arbitration, the price of legal advice and much more. Whereas litigation funding has a long history in the UK and in the United States, its twin brother – arbitration finance – is still in its infancy in Latin America.
However, the trend in many (not all) Latin American jurisdictions is obvious. Arbitration has become more interesting as proceedings appear to be more reliable, duration more predictable and international enforceability – relatively – easy. The legal skillset is also at hand.
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How to Secure Your Arbitration Funding_GCMagazine_09_2020.pdf (1.7 MiB)
The rise in demand for dispute resolution in Latin America has spurred the creation of a handful local arbitration funders in recent years. Covid-19 opens the door to new opportunities – and challenges – for this breed of investor. Detlef Huber, managing director at Carpentum Capital, a Swiss litigation fund specialised in Latin America, explains why. In Latin America it is more accurate to speak of arbitration – as opposed to litigation – finance because no one really wants to finance never-ending legal fights in local courts. In fact, there is no need to, as court proceedings from Argentina to Mexico are relatively cheap compared to Anglo-American standards.
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Latin Lawyer_Arbitration Finance in Latam & Covid19.pdf (105.0 KiB)
Aurigon Advisors AG
Alte Steinhauserstrasse 1
CH – 6330 Cham/Zug
E-Mail: office@aurigon.ch
T.: +41 41 561 3818
Av Brigadeiro Faria Lima
3729 – 5 andar
04538-905 Sâo Paulo
T.: +55 11 3443 6481
Avenida Vitacura
2909 of. 704
Las Condes
T: +56 2 3629 264
Tucuman 843
Piso 3 E
(C1049AAQ) Buenos Aires
T.: +54 11 4815 8335